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Quartun is just not an app, its a house of diverse features delivered as Cards. Each card performs a piece of functionality like Memory Usage, Storage info, Battery Details, Battery Statistics, Sensors info and usage in a graphical way etc.../*Please make sure the app is excluded from any "Task Killers" if your phone have one. Although this app consumes minimal resources, most task killers tend to close any app running in the background*/
Currently 13 cards and more than 20 features and growing.More cards are under development and has road map for many more features. All cards will be added in future updates. Stay tuned!
Cards are segregated by colors-
White: For Battery related featuresGreen: For MemoryRed: For Processor and CPU loadOrange: For Storage Blue: For phone Sensors
All cards are graphically rich, intuitive and simple to use.
Battery InformationBattery StatisticsBattery GraphsBattery CaliberationMemory CleanerCPUStorage InfoSensors CompassAccelerometer
Note: Don't worry about the 15 min refund window from google play. Incase you want a refund, please write to us with in 2 days of purchase using feedback option and we will refund your money.
Disclaimer:Sensor information may vary from device to device. The values shown here are purely based on data returned by your device sensors and APIs.
Feedback:We would love to hear from you. Please report any errors or suggestions using the Mail floating icon.